Medical practice employees put in a position to succeed

 Employees, who don't feel connected to their work, engaged by their management or loyal to their organization are approximately 53% less productive than their engaged counterparts. Employee engagement is hugely important in the healthcare industry. With loads of paperwork, EMR transitions, industry overhauls, an endless stream of patients, new emphasis on customer service and a daily influence on matters of life or death, it is vital that healthcare workers be passionately plugged into their work.

Research published in a 1999 Harvard Business Review demonstrated that people excel at jobs that interest them deeply, more than at jobs that their education, skills or experience might suggest are perfect fits for them.

Employees who are highly engaged are excited, enthusiastic, focused on their work, emotionally and mentally involved with their company, highly productive, not easily distracted. That energy and momentum is critical for optimum business success. This is why you should review your organizational chart to make sure your employees are in the right job role.  If an employee is not engaged, it may not be that they are a bad employee, they're just not a fit for that particular job position. If they are put in a position where they can be passionate about their work, it will benefit them and you as their employer.

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