Annual OSHA Training Is the Best Way to Protect Your Employees and Maintain Compliance


Course listings
Click here for details on each course or call 888/268-9377, ext. 3437, for more information

Employee Training Courses

  • Basic OSHA Training
  • Dental OSHA Training
  • Ergonomics
  • Fire Safety
  • OSHA Training for Employees in Their First Clinical Setting
  • OSHA Annual Retraining for Outpatient Medical Facilities
  • OSHA Orientation for New Employees with Clinical Experience
  • Preventing Workplace Violence for Employees
  • Respiratory Infection Control: Influenza and TB

Administrator training courses

  • Selecting and Evaluating Safety Sharps
  • Administering Your OSHA Program
  • Preventing Workplace Violence for Managers

HCPro/Quality America’s e-learning courses are designed to train groups of professionals on several of the most pertinent OSHA topics. Choose from a range of courses, from basic training to workplace violence, to suit the specific needs of your medical or dental practice.

Their e-learning library is cost effective, easy to access, easy to administer, flexible, OSHA compliant, and it makes OSHA training virtually paperless. The system lets you:

  • Track employee information and course records online
  • Export reports to Microsoft Excel
  • Group students by department, location, or specialty
  • Allow delegated sub-administrators, such as department heads, to assign training or view reports for their employees
  • Print Certificates of Completion
  • Provide Q&A function to clarify employee course questions

Have questions? I’m here to help.