AMGA Releases ACO How-To Book


The American Medical Group Association (AMGA) released on Feb. 17 a book on healthcare integration that provides guidance on how to lay the groundwork for a successful accountable care organization (ACO).

“ Integrated Delivery Systems: A Cure for the Healthcare Delivery Crisis” was written  Donn Sorensen and Amy Fore from St. John's Health System, presents tools for developing integrated delivery systems (IDSs), which are the foundation of ACOs.

The book costs $40 to download, and will be available in a hard-copy form for $50. Click HERE to access the publication.

"Integration is the foundation of a successful ACO and St. John's Health System is one of the premier examples of the kinds of innovation and leadership found in integrated systems," said Donald W. Fisher, PhD, CAE, AMGA president and chief executive officer. "The book also shows how the achievements of integration efforts can lead to a more efficient and effective organization better able to serve a large, geographically diverse population. My hope is that it will inspire and guide integration efforts of others on their journey to provide better care and better health to the patients they serve."

According to the AMGA, the authors give healthcare leaders the tools they need to develop an IDS that best serves their organization's unique patients, physicians, and communities. They also share the lessons learned at St. John's.  “With practical guidance, the authors offer a template for successfully integrating hospitals and physician group practices, with strategies for shared leadership, physician compensation, cultural alignment, and coordination of services,” according to AMGA.

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