Administrator Performance Review Criteria


In my consulting practice, I am sometimes asked to assist in developing performance criteria for use in evaluating the position of clinic/office Administrator/Manager. In most cases we can all agree on the practice financial benchmarks that must be achieved. However, there needs to be other more subjective standards and criteria to consider when evaluating performance.  Practices are learning the hard way that focusing only on financial benchmarks can lead not only to significant governance issues but also poor financial performance due to the resulting impact on staff morale and employee turnover.

Used alone, financial benchmarks have a proven tendency to promote short term decision making that rarely serves to create sustained or meaningful value-creation. First, recognize that there are a number of other areas of administration that are just as important as the financial benchmarks for the long term success of the group. Listed below are examples of behaviors that my clients have used for the Administrator/Manager position. In order for the person to be considered fully effective, each one of these should be evident to at least some degree. I use many of these to assist clinics and other healthcare entities in developing performance review measures – and complete programs, for their management team.

r  Sound decisions based on cost/benefit

r  Efficient use of resources

r  Implementation of staff performance reviews

r  Staff development and training - extremely important

r  Strong communication skills

r  Strong presentation skills

r  Conducts regular staff meetings

r  Facilitates regular physician meetings (even if you are a solo practice)

r  Helps establish short term and long term goals and plans

r  Recognizes developing problems

r  Initiates positive change

r  Generates creative ideas

r  Demonstrates passion for the job

r  Makes timely decisions

r  Communicates and gets input from all affected parties prior to implementing changes

r  Exhibits high ethical standards

r  Open and honest in all dealings

r  Maintains confidentiality

r  Earns trust of physicians and staff

r  Honors commitments

r  Demonstrates specific job knowledge and expertise

r  Delegates appropriately

r  Maintains composure in stressful times

r  Works efficiently

r  Organized

r  Recruits competent employees

r  Flexible with various personalities

r  Provides positive and constructive feedback to team members on a regular basis

r  Holds all employees accountable

r  Provides consistent leadership and adherence to clinic policies

r  Executes directions

r  Accepts constructive feedback from physicians and staff

r  Expresses opinions when appropriate

r  Demonstrates assertive take charge can do attitude

r  Maintains Focus on initiatives

Ideally, all of these behaviors will be evident in the performance of a “complete” leader for your organization, and many of them should receive just as much attention as the financial benchmarks that are adopted. Each organization, and its circumstance, is different, however. The development of the review program should be conducted in concert with the organization’s goal-setting and strategic planning process. The job performance elements that are seen as most closely tied to the organization achieving its short and long term goals should be specified and weighted to reflect their importance. Having a balance of financial and non-financial criteria reflects not only good governance but also the recognition that real value creation cannot be reliably reflected by one or two financial numbers alone.

Have questions? I’m here to help.