Add new patients with educational marketing

The goal of every healthcare provider should be to become the "go to" healthcare professional in the community.

The way to do this is through what we call educational marketing.

Educational marketing means that you educate and inform your community about how your services can help them become more healthy.

You offer valuable information so that you establish your credibility and also so that you give prospects a low-risk way to learn more about you.

Educational marketing can include:

- Articles or a newsletter via your website.

- Talks and seminars you give.

- Open houses.

- Free reports that you offer the community.

- Letters you send to patients and referral sources to update them about your practice and developments in your field.

- Research you do (even surveys of local health).

- Press releases you issue about newsworthy events and health tips.

There are tactful and effective ways to use educational marketing to become the go to healthcare provider in your community.

Have questions? I’m here to help.