Employee Success Equal to Leadership Investment?

Physician Practice Employee Success and Your Leadership

When it comes to leadership, one can only expect to get back from their employees what they choose to invest in them.  Leaders which remain locked away in their offices and rarely take the initiative to interact with their team create an environment filled with rankings and boundaries.  On the other hand, leaders which choose to consider themselves equal to those they manage and engage in the staff they have chosen, create a more engaged and inspired team. 

Leading by Example

Leading by example is true in so many aspects of our lives; with our children, our friends and those we manage in our careers.  Whether you are a physician or a practice administrator, setting an example for what is expected and acceptable helps determine standards and expectations.  Along with this idea, comes the idea of employee engagement and improvement.  Investing time, money and energy into your employees shows a level of dedication, trust and overall commitment to their success.  In most cases, this outward expression will inspire employees to improve production levels and drive further success along with a desire to improve the organization as a whole.

Ready to get started and work toward improve your team?  Here are five steps to begin with to increase your leadership and effectiveness as a manager.

The Five Steps

  1. Share information with your staff about issues involving the organization.  Work toward transparency and encourage openness and input.
  2. Support employees with an internal social network.  Create a team environment which is supported by a genuine desire to improve relationships within the group.
  3. Have several smaller meetings and even individual conversations about goals, aspirations and ideas for growth.  Get to understand your employees’ situations and where opportunities exist.
  4. Ask what your team members would like to learn; give them intellectual ownership of ideas within the group and the freedom to take on new interests.
  5. Openly communicate and ask your team to do the same with you.  Opening lines of communication is key to performing better as a group.

Remember, you will get out of your employees what you put in.  Show them you care about their success and individual growth, along with the improvement of the organization as a whole.

Have questions? I’m here to help.