What Has Your Website Done For You Lately?

I can always tell how progressive a physician practice is just be looking at its website. In this day and age, websites that really interact with patients is a must in my opinion. We live in an age of technology and many patients want to use in when dealing with their physician. The following are some of the most "modern" features I have found on physician websites, all being HIPAA compliant:

• Secure online bill pay.

• Appointment reminders and lab results messages.

• Patient registration, demographic and health history completion online.

• Completion of a history of present illness prior to the visit.

• eVisits or Virtual Office Visits for established patients. Patients may pay out-of-pocket for the visit or pay a co-pay and the practice can file for the balance of the reimbursement (note: payers, most notably BC/BS, are starting to pay for virtual visits.

• Shared patient communication between practices.  Practices that refer patients to a specialty practice can make that referral electronically and can follow-up on the patient’s progress via the portal.

• “Chat with a Biller” function.

• Appointment requests and requests for prescription refills.

• Credit card payments without the use of a credit card machine; online payment plans that automatically drafts the patient’s credit or debit card monthly.

• Patient refunds via the web portal.

I suggest taking a hard look at your website and see if it's time for a redesign. It just might be!!

Have questions? I’m here to help.