Administrator vs Office Manager

Administrator vs. Office Manager: Key Differences in Medical Practices

I have long said there is a difference between what is an administrator in a medical practice and what is considered an office manager. There is a big, big difference between the two as I have said in prior blog posts. To continue this working debate, the following definitions came across my desk last week and I thought I would share them with you:


Is responsible for daily operations of a large group medical practice without clerical duties.  Evaluates and makes decisions on marketing, financial planning, budgeting, capital and equipment needs; goals of the practice, accounting policies, physician compensation and reimbursement; planning and implementing computer information system; oversees other managers, department heads or supervisory personnel; manages quality control standards established by physicians; works with attorney, accountant and other professional services; managed care and third party payor contracting and negotiations; and usually reports to CEO, governing body or corporate directors.

Office Manager:

Coordinates and directs business office activities; involved in monitoring the day to day operations and concerns of patients and employees; monitors billing system, accounts receivable, collections and supervises accounts payable; evaluates patient flow, registration, scheduling; assigns and delegates duties to employees; responsible for housekeeping and maintenance of offices; evaluates employee productivity and staffing needs and oversees at least two employees; maintains personnel files; prepares physician office management reports; usually reports to physicians, executive director or administrator.  Note: A person may have the position title of Medical Office Managers plus one or more responsibilities as defined under Administrator.

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