10 Steps to Developing an Effective Patient Service Strategy

Today I came upon the following ten steps to developing an effective patient service strategy buried inside one of my digital folders. I really can't take credit for these steps, nor can I give credit, since I have no idea where I picked them up along my business life journey. I hope you already have an effective patient service strategy already in place. If not, here are 10 Steps to Developing an Effective Patient Service Strategy:

  1. Commit yourself to the project
  2. Assess where your medical practice is at in terms of the present patient service level
  3. Determine your patients' needs
  4. Set performance standards for your employees
  5. Identify the moments of truth in the process of doing business
  6. Manage your medical practice through the eyes of your patients
  7. Focus attention on your team members
  8. Train, then empower your team members
  9. Implement a feedback system
  10. Create a continuous patient service improvement mentality

"Dealing with people is probably the biggest problem you face, especially if you are in business. Yes, and that is also true if you are a housewife, architect or engineer." - - Dale Carnegie

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